Taksk External API Documentation


The Taksk External API allows premium users to programmatically create tasks using their API key.


Generate your API key on your dashboard (premium only). Once generated, store it securely. Use it in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY


Create a Reminder

POST /api/external/reminders

Example payload:

  "title": "My Task",
  "due_date": "2024-12-31T12:00:00+00:00",
  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "customParams": {"key1":"value1"}

Successful response (201):

  "id": 123,
  "title": "My Task",
  "due_date": "2024-12-31T12:00:00+00:00",
  "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  "created_at": "...",
  "active": true,
  "customParams": {"key1":"value1"}

Rate Limits

You can make up to 20 requests per minute to the external reminders endpoint. Exceeding this will postpone remaining requests to the next cycle..

Key Management

Use POST /api/external/create-key to generate a key (premium only). This shows the key once. Store it securely.

Use POST /api/external/revoke-key to revoke the current key.

Abuse Prevention

We log external requests and monitor for abuse. If suspicious activity is detected, keys can be revoked, and premium status may be affected.